Business Development & Funding
Starting a business is Easy, but Operating, Managing & Developing a Profitable business is hard. Thats why we teach the fundamentals of business which is People, Strategy, Design, Technology and Logistics. Without knowing who your audience and competitors is, how do you know what they need & how are you going to make money? Yes it okay to Just Start!, but you must come back and structure that business properly & business plan or operating agreement these are your cheat sheets to checking off your business goals and client needs. Speaking of clients most the time people buy with their eyes before they know what they're actually buying.... that is a business design, how you captivate your client with high value needs/expectations. Technology & Logistics goes hand in hand, due to the fact it all goes off the company/owner customer service, productivity, how you run & operate your business, and the innovative tools you use to make a transaction easy. Now if your business is doing all these steps funding should come easy, because you should have a retention of returning clients, equals revenue.
Financial Literacy & Credit Repair
Unfortunately, as kids we weren't taught Money Management, Credit, Finances, and the purpose of Taxes. We're paying for the lack of knowledge now, with bad credit and enormous amount of collected debt, while trying to survive in an underpaying economy. Fortunately enough, here at the Biz Builder we provide you with the tools, knowledge and resources to advance in the eyes of the Lenders and Financial Institutions. One by one we are helping our clients keep more of what they make and investing it into their future!
Generational Wealth & Security Blankets
You may be wondering what a security blank is... But if you were like any of the millions of Americans that deployed all their savings or had to depend on unemployment this recent pandemic. You need a security blanket! As in, something to fall back on like; good credit, a savings, life insurance, a completed well, money stashed, property, most importantly collateral (Ex.... owned vehicle/ purchased home). These security blankets are the shape & form of Generational Wealth, without these there's nothing to actually pass down... that's the point!
Let Us Help You Accumulate Long-Term Wealth!